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Sports News 2015/16

End of Year Highlights – a look back on 2015/16

This has been another fantastic and really busy year for sport at VHA as we have endeavoured to continue to raise the profile of PE and sport throughout the school.  Below are some details about what we have been up to.

After School Clubs

Yet again, our sports clubs have been extremely popular with 83% of our Key Stage 2 children attending at least 1 after School club this year. Well done children for being so enthusiastic!

Clubs this year have included;

  • Gymnastics
  • Street dance
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Wheelchair Basketball
  • Hoola Hoop
  • Multi skills
  • Tag Rugby
  • Netball
  • Golf


All children have been involved in half termly intra-school competitions, taking part in activities related to their PE lessons and earning points for their teams. It has been great to see that the honours have been shared between the house teams throughout the year.

A massive 90% of Key Stage 2 children have represented the school in a variety of inter-school events across Middlesbrough. Well done to everyone who took part.

These competitions have included;

  • Tag Rugby
  • Football
  • Cross Country
  • Basketball
  • Wheelchair Basketball
  • Indoor and outdoor Athletics
  • Orienteering
  • Golf
  • Tennis

Both the mixed and girls Basketball teams had particularly good results with the girls coming back with the silver medal! Both teams were also recognised and presented with the Fair Play award.

Representative Honours

After attending trials, Sophie Tidy was selected to represent the region for football.  This was a huge achievement and we are very proud of you Sophie!

Chloe Tidy and Orpheus Avlonitis competed for Middlesbrough in the Tees Valley Cross Country Championships.  Well done both!

Sports Leaders

Several children from Year 6 have again been trained as Sports Leaders and have helped with the younger children on the Key Stage 2 playground. The playground buddies have also had some training to help on the Key Stage 1 playground.
Five children from Year 5 volunteered to attend training so that they could help with the organisation of the Middlesbrough Tennis Festival.

Sports Personality

Congratulations to Sophie Tidy and Mason Tate, who were named as Sports Personalities 2015/16. This was in recognition of their commitment to school PE, extracurricular PE and their superb modelling of sporting behaviour to others.

Sports Day

Our Sports day eventually took place on Thursday July 14th. In the morning the Foundation Stage children competed in a range of activities and in the afternoon the competition was rife, with Yellow House finally winning the house cup. Well done everyone in Yellow House!

Wake Up Shake Up

This year we have introduced Wake Up Shake Up to all the classes. This involves daily physical activity based on fun moves to popular music. The aim is to improve aerobic fitness, muscular strength and physical development and it has proved very popular with both pupils and staff. At the end of each half term, the children and staff perform the routine they have been working on together as a whole school. It’s a sight for sore eyes!

Other News

Early in the year, all the children experienced a taster session in judo. This proved to be really popular and as a result, several children have gone on to join a local club.

In November we had a visit from 2 Olympic volleyball players, Nathan French and Peter Bakare. They worked with all the children, encouraging them to complete a fitness circuit, and then spoke to them all about how sport had impacted on their lives.

At the end of the year, all the children were involved in a skipping workshop, which culminated in the celebration of skills learnt at the end of the day.
Some of our dinner staff have also attended a training workshop and new ropes have been brought for both KS1 and KS playgrounds. The children were also able to purchase subsidised ropes.

Year 6 had a climbing experience at Clip and Climb in May to celebrate the end of SATs week. They were truly fearless!

As part of our outdoor and adventurous provision, 24 upper KS2 children went to Robinwood Activity Centre at Dobroyd Castle in January on a three day residential. They took part in zip wiring, climbing, canoeing, archery and problem solving to name but a few activities. It was an excellent trip for all!

Finally, we may not always bring home trophies or medals, but our children always enjoy the experience of competing against other schools and developing their skills. One thing that we are always proud of is our children’s behaviour, attitudes and participation when we take them out to events. They are excellent ambassadors for Viewley Hill!

Raising Aspirations
Lingfield Trust
Youth Sport Trust
Parent View
Basic Skills Agency

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