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SEND Information

“The SEND provision at Viewley Hill Academy is a strength of the school; it underpins everything they do and ensures that every child is advocated for by all staff…..Viewley Hill Academy is a truly inclusive environment.” – SEND review, 2018.

At Viewley Hill Academy, we value each child as an individual and celebrate all achievement.  We aim to ensure that all children are able to reach their potential and recognise that some children may need additional support and provision in order to do so.  This is done using the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review Model as outlined below (also known as  the ‘Graduated Response’)  which underpins the provision provided for all children with SEND. 

This SEND information report is written in compliance with the SEND Code of Practice 0 -25 (Sept. 2014).


  • How does Viewley Hill identify that children have special educational needs and/or disabilities? (SEND)
  • What are the first steps school will take if SEND is identified?
  • What should parents/carers do if they think their child has SEND? How can you raise concerns?
  • What intervention is available to children?
  • How will Viewley Hill involve children in the assessment process?

More Information


  • How will our school teach and support children with SEND?
  • How will Viewley Hill teach and support children with SEND?
  • What expertise does Viewley Hill and our staff have in relation to SEND?
  • How does Viewley Hill ensure that information about a child’s SEND or EHC plan is shared and understood by teachers and all relevant staff who come into contact with your child?
  • How will Viewley Hill include parents and the child in planning support?
  • What access do our children with SEND have to facilities and extra-curricular activities?

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  • How is the different provision delivered in Viewley Hill?
  • What role will your child’s teacher play in the additional provision?
  • Which other services do we use to provide for and support our children?
  • How will parents/carers be kept informed of engagement in additional provision whilst it is ongoing?
  • How does Viewley Hill encourage parents/carers to become involved in the additional provision?

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  • Who will be talking with and keeping in touch with the parent/carer?
  • How do we assess and evaluate the provision we have arranged for your child?
  • How does Viewley Hill plan transition for children with SEND?

More Information

Key people:

In the first instance, you should contact your child’s class teacher with any concerns that you have surrounding your child’s progress in school.

Leader of Special Education and Disabilities (SENDCo) – Miss J Glindon (B.A hons, M.A, NASENCO)

Head teacher – Mrs K Barkley (B.A hons)

SEND Governor – Mrs R Small / Pastor K Stone

Parent Support Officer – Mrs S Moore

Useful Contacts and Links

Viewley Hill – SEND Information Report

SEND Code of Practice

Middlesbrough LA Local Offer

SENDIASS Information, Advice and Support

Early Help

Raising Aspirations
Lingfield Trust
Youth Sport Trust
Parent View
Basic Skills Agency

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