Keeping Children Safe
Viewley Hill Academy is committed to providing the highest standards of protection and safety to the children entrusted to our care and takes due note of statutory guidance.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs K Barkley Headteacher and Mrs C Scaife Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Mrs S Gardiner (Deputy Headteacher) and Mrs Moore (Parent Support Advisor)
Viewley Hill works with Cleveland Police to support children who are affected by domestic abuse and participates in OPERATION ENCOMPASS
There is a range of key policies which explain how we aim to keep your children safe, some of which are accessible on this website and others are available on request at the school office.
Policies accessible via the website:
- Anti-Bullying
- Attendance
- Behaviour
- Child Protection (encompassing VHA approach to preventing radicalisation and extremism)
- Intimate Care Policy
- DBS (including procedures for dealing with allegations against staff)
- Public Sector Equality Objectives
- Health and Safety
- Staff Behaviour
- Supporting Children with Medical Needs
Staff are regularly and appropriately trained in first aid, behaviour management including positive handling, online behaviours (CEOP accredited), child protection, the Prevent Agenda and health and safety.