At Viewley Hill Academy we are always delighted to welcome parents and families who would like a tour of the school and a discussion about admission with Mrs Moore, our Parent Support Adviser. Information concerning admission to Middlesbrough primary school schools and academies can be found via the following link:
Middlesbrough School Admissions
Our admissions policy can be found via the following link:
Viewley Hill Academy Admissions Policy
Starting Nursery
Children are usually admitted to Nursery around their third birthdays. The nursery will contact parents when a place is available. An admissions list of children requiring a nursery place is kept and parents should give names to the school office staff at the earliest opportunity to ensure a place is allocated. The nursery operates two sessions and children will offered either a morning or afternoon place depending on age.
Starting Reception
The school follows Middlesbrough Local Authority school admissions policy. A meeting with the Reception Class staff team will take place before children enter full-time education. This is an opportunity for us to tell you about life and learning in Reception class and for you to tell us more about your child and to ask questions.
We know that starting nursery and full-time school need good preparation. We help children by having ‘get to know you’ days when children attend their new class, meet staff and get to know the classroom.
Parents can help by making sure children arrive on time, wear appropriate clothing and by discussing their child with staff to ensure we know as much as possible to help children settle in.
Mid-Year Admissions
Where we have the capacity in year groups, it is possible for us to accept new pupils mid-year who are transferring from other schools. This must be arranged through the local authority and we will then contact you to arrange a meeting in school.